To download the available speakers' presentations please visit the following page:
28 September 2015
08.30 |
Registration |
09.00 |
Welcome Addresses Fabrizio Spada, Head of Representation of the European Commission in Milan Giancarlo Caratti, Head of the Task Force EXPO, Joint Research Centre, European Commission Mauro Parolini, Regional Minister for Tourism, Lombardy Region (tbc) Federico Caner, Regional Minister for Tourism, Regione Veneto |
09.15 |
Keynote Speech Antonio Tajani, First Vice-President of the European Parliament |
09.30 |
Food and Promotion of Local Culture and Traditions Carlo Petrini, Founder of the international Slow Food movement (tbc) |
10.00 |
Panel 1: Food Tourism Trends Magda Antonioli Corigliano, Director of the Master Course on Tourism Economy, Bocconi University (Introduction and Chair) Alberto Cirio, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, European Parliament Isabel Garana, Regional Director for Europe, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Alain Dupeyras, Head of the Tourism Unit, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Penelope Denu, Director of the European Institute of the Cultural Routes, Council of Europe Q&A |
11.00 |
Panel 2: Tourism as a Driver for the Quality Food Sector Carlo Corazza, Head of Unit Tourism, Emerging and Creative Industries of Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission (Introduction and Chair) Andrea Corsini, Regional Minister for Tourism of Regione Emilia Romagna - "Integrating the gastronomic offer into the tourism promotion strategy" Gwendal Poullennec, Segretary General of the Michelin Guide - "How to become and modernise an international reference to promote local gastronomy" Elisa Puleo, Associate Director Food & Beverage Europe, Africa & Middle East, Starwood Hotels and Resorts - "The experience of a major player of the hospitality sector in promoting local produce" Borja Saracho, Robinson Crusoe Treasure - "Innovation in food-tourism: an underwater wine-laboratory in Basque Country" Q&A |
12.00 |
Panel 3: Promoting Food Tourism Pedro Ortun, Principal Advisor of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission (Introduction and Chair) Miguel Gallego, Communication Manager of the European Travel Commission (ETC) - "The European food fairs & festivals platform" Vincent Perrin, General Director of Le Comité Champagne - "Wine-tours in Champagne" Gwen Raez, Marketing Manager of Visit Scotland - "2015: The year of food and drink in Scotland" Kenny Dunn, CEO of Eating Europe Tours - "Food tours and cooking classes across Europe" Hege Anita Eilertsen, The Viking Route, "Promotion of Vikings Heritage through creative initiatives such as Viking banquets" Q&A |
13.10 |
Concluding Remarks Pedro Ortun, Principal Advisor of the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission |
13.15 | Networking Lunch |
14.00 | Registration for the B2B Meetings |
14.30-19.00 | Business-to-Business (B2B) Meetings |
19.30 |
Cocktail offered by Lombardy Region at 31st Floor in Palazzo Pirelli (via Fabio Filzi 22) (transfer one-way provided at 19.00 in front of Palazzo delle Stelline) |
Bilateral Talks
- Participants106
- Meetings Requested464
- Meetings Accepted156
Albania 1
Austria 1
Belgium 11
Brazil 1
Chile 1
Comoros 1
Cote d'Ivoire 1
Croatia 2
Czech Republic 1
Denmark 7
Finland 1
France 8
Germany 4
Greece 6
Guademala 1
Hungary 3
Ireland 14
Israel 1
Italy 145
Latvia 2
Lebanon 1
Lithuania 1
Luxembourg 8
Malaysia 1
Malta 3
Netherlands 2
Nicaragua 1
Norway 1
Poland 2
Portugal 3
Romania 1
Russian Federation 1
Senegal 2
Slovakia 1
Slovenia 8
Spain 5
Sweden 1
Switzerland 1
United Kingdom 5
- Total of Participants261
Profile views
- Before Event10095
- After Event799961